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Artec Eva

16.714,00 € z DDV

13.700,00 € brez DDV

Artec Eva je prava izbira za hitro, barvno in natančno 3D skeniranje objektov srednje velikost, kot so clovesko telo, livarski odlitki, skulpture, itd.
Podrobnosti o Artec Eva 3D skenerju.

 Smo edini pooblaščeni prodajalec za skenerje Artec 3D v Sloveniji.

This structured-light 3D scanner is the ideal choice for making quick, textured, and accurate 3D models of medium-sized objects such as a human bust, an alloy wheel, or a motorcycle exhaust system. It scans quickly, capturing precise measurements in high resolution.

Light, fast, and versatile, Eva is our most popular scanner and a market leader in handheld 3D scanners. Based on safe-to-use structured-light scanning technology, it is an excellent all-around solution for capturing objects of almost any kind, including objects with black and shiny surfaces.

Cene vsebujejo 22% DDV.

Smo pooblaščeni zastopniki

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Izdelava prototipov, modelov in maket
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3D tisk
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3D skeniranje
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