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Artec Leo

42.456,00 € z DDV

34.800,00 € brez DDV

Wireless freedom. Smart data capture

Artec Leo is the only wireless and fully standalone professional 3D scanner designed to make scanning as easy and effortless as possible. With the new NVIDIA Jetson TX2 processor onboard, 5” HD built-in display and battery, it’s the ultimate all-in-one 3D scanning solution for fast, accurate, and high-quality data capture.

The all-new Leo runs at more than twice the power than it did before, and guarantees accuracy at every step of the way – you're set up for success from the start.

 Smo edini pooblaščeni prodajalec za skenerje Artec 3D v Sloveniji.

Technical specs

Display Built-in touch panel screen
Processing On-board real time processing
Volume capture zone 160,000 cm³
3D reconstruction rate, up to 80 FPS
3D resolution, up to 0.2 mm
3D point accuracy, up to 0.1 mm
Color resolution 2.3 mp
Structured-light source VCSEL
Position sensors Built-in 9 DoF inertial system
Multi-core processing NVIDIA Jetson TX2
Power source In-built exchangeable battery
Connectivity Wireless
Cene vsebujejo 22% DDV.

Smo pooblaščeni zastopniki

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