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Artec Space Spider

24.034,00 € z DDV

19.700,00 € brez DDV

Natancno 3D skeniranje za inzenirje in orodjarstvo. Omogoca skeniranje z sprotnim pregledom podatkov.
Barvno 3D skeniranje.

Podrobnosti o Artec Space Spider 3D skenerju.

Več o Artec 3D skenerjih.

 Smo edini pooblaščeni prodajalec za skenerje Artec 3D v Sloveniji.

  • Precision at your fingertips

A new and enhanced precision instrument for CAD users and engineers, Artec Space Spider is a high-resolution 3D scanner based on blue light technology. It is perfect for capturing small objects or intricate details of large industrial objects in high resolution, with steadfast accuracy and brilliant color.

The scanner’s ability to render complex geometry, sharp edges and thin ribs sets our technology apart. It is an ideal industrial 3D scanner for high resolution capturing of objects such as molding parts, PCBs, keys, coins or even a human ear, followed by the export of the final 3D model to CAD software.

In this powerful 3D scanner, the technology has been honed to perfection to ensure the best possible quality of scans and a truly robust device.

Cene vsebujejo 22% DDV.

Smo pooblaščeni zastopniki

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Izdelava prototipov, modelov in maket
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3D tisk
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3D skeniranje
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