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Artec Studio

2.440,00 € z DDV

2.000,00 € brez DDV

Programska oprema za 3D skeniranje s 3D skenerji Artec.

Polna časovno neomejena licenca.

Več informacij v brošuri.


Artec Studio

  14 13 12
Easy scanning
Auto-brightness Dynamic +  
Automated sensitivity for scanning black, shiny, fine objects + + +
3D Radar mode + +  
Texture and geometry tracking + + +
Fast, powerful 3D processing
Autopilot: automatic post-processing pipeline Customizable + +
Support of large datasets Up to 500 million polygons Up to 500 million polygons Up to 50 million polygons
Global registration: Object range Up to 250% greater than AS12 Up to 250% greater than AS12  
Global registration: Speed 2X the speed of AS12 2X the speed of AS12 Up to 10 times faster than AS11
Global registration: Settings Customizable for greater accuracy or speed Customizable for greater accuracy or speed  
Fine registration Streamlined & optional Mandatory Mandatory
Texture mapping 800% faster than AS13    
Smart base removal + + +
Auto-Align: texture + geometry based + + +
Fast mesh simplification + + +
X-Ray mode + +  
Max error mode Enhanced for easy scan data inspection Enhanced for easy scan data inspection +
Dazzling visuals
Sequence animation +    
Geometry rendering High-detail High-detail Glossy
Texture rendering High-detail High-detail Glossy
Optimized raw data rendering + +  
Smooth rendering of 3D models Up to 500 million polygons Up to 500 million polygons  
Advanced editing & 3D modeling tools
Auto glare removal +    
Bridges +    
Flexible plane selection + +  
Auto texture correction + + +
Texture healing brush + + +
Enhanced Defeature Tool, Eraser and Lasso + + Basic
Sound notification +    
One-click Auto-Positioning + Basic Basic
3D rotation cube + +  
3Dconnexion 3D mouse compatibility + + +
Auto-export naming +    
Scanner Type Detection Streamlined Manual Manual
Measurement tools
Linear, geodesic, sections, distance maps, volume, annotations, CSV, DXF, XML export + + Basic
Export mesh square and mesh volume + + +
Direct scan to CAD
Export multiple open and closed contours directly to CAD Polyline format for reverse engineering Single line format +
Direct export to Design X + + +
Direct export to SOLIDWORKS SOLIDWORKS 2014-2019 SOLIDWORKS 2014-2018 SOLIDWORKS 2014-2017
Ideal for quality inspection
Scan & process data from Artec Ray high-accuracy long-range scanner + +  
Target-free registration for Artec Ray +    
Scan & process data from Artec Micro metrology grade desktop scanner +    
Export formats
Full range of export 3D formats OBJ, PLY, WRL, STL, BTX, PTX, AOP, ASC, Disney PTEX, E57, XYZRGB OBJ, PLY, WRL, STL, BTX, PTX, AOP, ASC, Disney PTEX, E57, XYZRGB OBJ, PLY, WRL, STL, AOP, ASC, Disney PTEX, E57, XYZRGB
Hardware support
3rd party sensor support N/A Ultimate Edition: Microsoft Kinect, ASUS XTion, PrimeSense, Intel RealSense F200, R200 & SR300, XYZprinting 3D scanner Ultimate Edition: Microsoft Kinect, ASUS XTion, PrimeSense, Intel RealSense F200, R200 & SR300, XYZprinting 3D scanner
Scanning on MacOS Artec ScanApp beta or Boot Camp Artec ScanApp beta or Boot Camp Artec ScanApp beta or Boot Camp
Video card compatibility
NVIDIA Quadro + + +
NVIDIA GeForce 400 Series or higher + + +
AMD + + +
Intel Series 4600 and higher + + +

Artec 3D scanners compatible with AS14: Artec Micro, Leo, Ray, Space Spider, Eva, Eva Lite, plus discontinued models (Spider, MH and MHT series AG, AC, W2 and T2)*
*For full information on compatibility with discontinued scanners, please contact

Cene vsebujejo 22% DDV.

Smo pooblaščeni zastopniki

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Izdelava prototipov, modelov in maket
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3D tisk
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3D skeniranje
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REE - povratno inženirstvo